Wednesday, September 1, 2010

33 More Days!!

Hard to believe we have only a month left - a little over 4 weeks until Reese will be here! My work is hoping he is two weeks late but I think at this point I would die if he really was that late! I have had the best pregnancy ever but it is TIME!!! I really thought I would never say I was getting over being pregnant but that's what I get for thinking! I am just so ready - now more than ever to meet this little guy and am wishing all my days away! Everyone keeps telling me to catch up on my sleep now but that isn't the easiest when a little certain someone has found his comfort spot right on my pelvis!! So sleep is becoming harder and harder every night! I hate to complain and really try my hardest not to but I do look forward to seeing my feet again, it not taking 30-45 minutes to shave my legs, polishing my toe nails, bending over without hurting, not going to the bathroom a bazillion times a day, walking without feeling like my pelvis is about to fall out, and wearing something besides a dress and leggings - I miss jeans!!!!
Other than that not much going on with us right now - I am looking forward to the long weekend and a day off from work! I go back to the doctor next Wed. so should have more to report on then!
Hope everyone has a great Labor Day!!


  1. I am beyond anxious to get little man REESE here safe and sound!!! Hopefully, mommy can get back to her old self soon!!! It's terrible when a girl can't polish her tootsies!!! Trust me, its all worth it!! I Love YOU, John, REESE, Buster, and Boone!!! (Maybe, you all should shop for a reality show)!!!!

  2. You are cracking me up, I know exactly how you are feeling! And you know what? You have endured more changes in 8 months than you have in your entire life, you have earned the right to complain as much as you want!! With 4 weeks left, this will all be worth it soon, however I know right now 4 weeks seems like YEARS!! I'm thinking about you!

  3. OMG, I forgot about not seeing my toes.. Too funny, it will be all worth it the first time you look into his eyes. Cant wait to see his beautiful face. Much love to everyone pregant in the house or not. Angie
