Friday, July 27, 2012


Painting in the bath...cute little butsy!


Hair Cut!

We finally took Reese for a hair cut...actually it was more of a hair trim!  He did pretty good for Amanda...he would not wear the cape though...wouldn't have anything to do with that.  He sat there long enough for a little candy but when that was gone he was pretty much over the hair cut! 
I can't believe we finally got his hair cut...what a big boy you are becoming Reese!

Finally....Turned Around!

I finally got my car seat turned around...the view is so much better this way! 

More Swimming!

Monday, July 23, 2012

Daddy's Birthday!

We celebrated daddy's birthday yesterday at Nonna and Bop's with barbecue!  I helped daddy open all of his presents!  After that we went to Ha Ha's to swim!

A Fish!

Reese and I went to the pet store last week and picked him out a fish to give John for his birthday!  I can't believe this was the first time I had taken him to the pet store.  He loved looking at all the fish and pointing to them!  We came home with a beta fish...I asked Reese what he wanted to name him and he said Stickers!  I assume he came up with that name because he is obsessed with stickers!  He always wants stickers and even made sure to put mickey and minnie stickers on the fish bowl!  He was so excited to give the fish to John and every night he goes in there and tells him night night, that he loves him and asks if he is hungry!  It is the perfect pet for him!

Potty Seat!

Hey Mom...Is this what you meant when you said we were going to start potty training?

We Are A Mess...


 After Super Why we went and ate at Market Square!  Jack and I were bouncing off the walls!  We had lots of energy after sitting still for an hour!

Super Why!

First off....clearly after seeing these pictures my momma is well aware I need a haircut!  Last week I was told I was a precious little has to be the hair!

We got tickets to Super Why and took Jack and Reese....Braylan was there too but we never did get to see her.  The place was packed!  Every seat in the TN Theatre was filled!  The show was awesome!  It kept Reese and Jack's attention the entire time!  They loved it!  I am so glad that we took them!  They clapped and waved to the was adorable!

Jack's Party!

We went to Jack's 2nd birthday party Friday night at the church!  It was so much fun...all of my friends were there and we got to run all over the place and jump and bounce and go down slides!  There was also lots of good sweets and I am a happy boy when sweets are around! 

Swimming On My Own!

My new float helps me swim all on my own!  But...I will only wear it when I feel like it and I will let you know when I don't want to! 


I knew Reese liked pizza but I guess I didn't realize how much he liked it.  I was getting him milk the other day out of the fridge before 8 a.m. and he came in there and got in the pizza box and helped himself to a piece.  He ate it all first thing in the morning.  Then went back for another piece the next time I opened the fridge just a few hours later!  I guess some people do like pizza for breakfast!


Reese loves seeing helicopter's in the sky so when we were at the mall last week we let him ride one!  He loved it!  The last picture is him telling me no when I told him we had to leave!

Monday, July 16, 2012


Like Reese's new water gun?  Looks like John bought that one for himself instead of Reese!

Rainy Day!

Lots and lots of rain last week so we had to find things to do inside!  We watched lots of PBS, lots of Mickey, played upstairs, played downstairs, painted, found ourselves in time-out for telling mommy to hush and then telling her sorry over and over!  We were so happy to see the sunshine on Friday!


I never sleep in my crib but it sure is fun to see what is in there to play with!