Friday, October 28, 2011

Yucky Night!

It was a yucky rainy Friday night and we were supposed to go to Boo At The Zoo! Since we couldn't do that mama and daddy said they would take me out to eat! We went to Puelo's and I had bites of everything...tomato, cucumber, my green beans, potato, pasta, chicken, mushrooms, was yummmmmy!!!! By the time we got home I was sacked out (or maybe just really full)...mama even changed my clothes and I stayed asleep!

Fall Fest

I got to go to Fall Fest this year at church! It was a lot of fun to play all the games while mama and daddy worked one of the games and handed out candy! My buddy Jack was there too - he was a frog!

Me & Big Daddy

Big Daddy stopped by on his way from work to see me before I went to Fall Fest! We had our picture made together...don't I look so cute as a dinosaur?


Reese has had a terrible cough now for about 2 weeks - I called the doctor last week but they said to wait it out because it was probably just a cold. I think every kid is sick because we waited so long to see the doctor Reese just fell asleep! It made for a quick and easy exam of him though because he slept while the doctor checked his ears, throat, and listened to him breathe. He has a left ear infection so for the first time he has been put on antibiotics! We are having to put the medicine in his milk because he is refusing to take it - he just spits it out and turns his head. He acts completely fine though and is just as playful as always so hopefully this ear infection will go away quickly. When we got home he laid down in the floor and just stared at us - he is one funny little boy!


I love playing in my play room but the other night I could hear my daddy down stairs on the phone talking so I banged on the door and said dadadadada until he came up there to play with me too!

Sunday, October 23, 2011

Look Who Is Dressed Alike!

We dropped Reese off in the nursery today at church to find him and Jack dressed exactly the same! They looked cute and as you can tell thrilled to have their picture made!

Halloween Party!

We went to a Halloween Party this weekend where we threw costumes together at the last minute! We had Reese's (he was a spider) and I went gothic and John went as a biker guy! When we got to the party Reese was asleep so John went ahead and put his wig on - when he went to wake Reese up it must of scared him to death because he started balling his eyes out and holding his breath. He just kept staring at John like you sound like my daddy but what happened to your hair! The party was great for all the kids - there were games, they decorated pumpkins or I should say we did, and took a hay ride!


Uncle Wes and Aunt Marcy came by to see me when they got back from their fishing trip this weekend! I got to play in the boat while everybody took pictures of me! I love playing in Uncle Wes's boat and truck!

Saturday Mornings!

Just watching Buster and trying to drink out of the pitcher I found in the cabinets!


We went to a surprise birthday party for one of our friends Friday night! This is the only picture I got! I thought it was so cute of Jack!

Play Room

We are in the process of turning our bonus room into a play room for Reese. Our downstairs has had toys all over it for long enough. Reese is older now and needs space where he can run around and not worry about getting hurt. He loves it up there. Jack came over last week and this is the first time I have truly seen them have so much fun together. They always like being around each other but this time they were belly laughing together, tossing themselves in the ball pit and laying on top of each other, climbing over the chair together, going in and out of the tee pee, and then Reese hitting Jack with his "play" golf clubs! They were just so giggly and so happy!


Reese eats probably 65% people food now and 35% baby food. We still give him his baby fruit with oatmeal in the mornings and a baby vegetable for lunch and dinner. The rest of the time he is eating people food and he loves it. He will basically eat anything and he seems to have a sweet tooth just like his mama and daddy! Sometimes it seems as if he knows something good is coming at the end of dinner so he isn't interested in the food he needs to eat! Me too kid...I would much rather have dessert!

Bath Time

I haven't posted pictures of Reese in the bathtub lately...I can't tell you how much he loves the bath. He is getting to where when he sees me get the towel he knows it is time to get out so he starts splashing around so he can stay in longer. He is now doing bubble baths too so he is having even more fun. I will say it is great though that he loves baths because I can stand in the bathroom and get ready while he sits there and plays - I just talk to him the whole time and he stays perfectly content.

Wednesday, October 19, 2011