Tuesday, January 25, 2011

My New Jumper and a Bib

We put Reese's jumper in the doorway this week and so far he seems to like it...he doesn't stay in there very long because he is still trying to figure it out. It's funny because he just kind of slumps over in it and doesn't really know what to do yet...give it a few weeks.
I finally broke down tonight and put a bib on Reese...not sure why I haven't done this yet because it has been so nice to catch all the drool on the bib. He also loves chewing on it so it makes both of us happy!
John was playing airplane tonight with Reese so I included these pictures too just because they were cute!

Thanks Aunt Amanda & Uncle Josh

I love my lion but I just noticed my feet so right now I'm kind of interested in them.

Thanks for my lion and onesie from Vegas...I love them both! My daddy named my lion Leo...I really like to stare and talk to him.

Saturday, January 22, 2011

Listen To What I Can Do!!

I did it I did it....I finally rolled over and all on my own! I was waiting for my momma and daddy to both be there so they could see me! I was at Jack's aunts last night...I do all my new stuff there; last week it was sucking my thumb and this week it was rolling over. I kind of like showing Jack that I am catching up with him so I like to show off a little. I was laying on the floor and I just kept trying and finally on about the 6th time I rolled right on over...I bumped my head a little on the floor but it was worth it! Everybody was cheering me on so my mom forgot to take a picture of me in the process...she did catch some after shots though. I really didn't see what the big deal was but everybody else sure thought it was.

Monday, January 17, 2011

Story Time

Reese loves when we read to him...it's amazing how focused he gets at just 3.5 months old! We are onto the Dr. Seuss books right now! He will sit in your lap and look at all the pages and then look at you as you read!

Saturday, January 15, 2011

A New Toy

I am finally old enough to play with my toy that I got for Christmas...man I've been eying that thing for weeks now and wondering when my daddy was ever going to put that together for me! Well today was the day! I sat right in front of the TV and watched a little bit of the TN basketball game and bounced around and played with my rattles! I laughed and smiled and can't wait to get back in there and do it all over again!

Having Fun With Jack

Jack came over to see me yesterday and we played for a little while and then I went to see his cousin's play basketball at the church! Man that was fun...Jack's grandmother held me the entire time and I was so happy! After that we went over to his Aunt's house while momma played some games and I just hung out! I even sucked my thumb for the very first time over there - of course my mom got a picture to document this big event! I threw a fit for a little bit but once I calmed down I slept the rest of the night! What a fun Friday night!

Bath Time

Nothing better than a nice clean baby! Normally we just give Reese a bath in the kitchen sink but this time I decided to get his bath tub out again since it had been a while. The last time he was in his tub he still wasn't liking bath time but now he loves it. I love his expressions in these pictures...he is just looking at me like go ahead and clean me momma while I just sit back for a while!

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Trying to Roll Over!

We have been working with Reese the past few days on trying to roll over and we still aren't there yet...well he did it on the couch but that was easy because it kind of gave him an extra push off! I laid him in the pack and play to try it there and he just cried so Navy I took your advice and laid him on his mat and walked where he couldn't see me but it didn't happen yet! We will keep trying. I promised him 5 whole bucks for his piggy bank whenever he does it! That hasn't seemed to entice him yet!

Sunday, January 9, 2011

Picture Time

On Saturday Jessica came over to take some pictures of Reese...I had this all planned out in my head. We were going to get all these pictures of Reese with big smiles and a few outfit changes! We had plans to do some sport pictures with his golf club and a baseball glove, Jessica brought some cute baskets and a cute hat, she even brought battery powered lights to do a "winter theme". We quickly were reminded that we were dealing with a 3 month old and he was going to let us know real quick how many pictures and poses we would be taking of him. We started in his nursery and he just looked uncomfortable...not mad just uncomfortable. Then we thought, oh let's do a tummy shot....BAD IDEA!!!! This set him off and he was over us and the camera flashing! I rocked him back and forth to calm him down and then he just passed out. After that we took him downstairs for some pictures and every time I would remove the paci he would lose it on us. Jessica did an awesome job but we only got just a few shots. That's okay though...I mean how many shots do we really need. We got some good ones we can frame so that works...since Reese didn't cooperate Buster did; so we got some cute pictures of him! Sorry Reese...we won't do this again for 3 more months!

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Happy 3 Months

My goodness where did those legs come from?
You hold up your head now but every once in a while it gets a little heavy for you.

It doesn't seem like it has been a month since I wrote your 2 month update and just in 4 short weeks you have accomplished so much more!
Let's see...
You have found your hands and you pretty much try to keep them stuffed in your mouth as much as possible. It started out with just a finger or two but now you have moved on to trying to get both hands in there at the same time. You love to suck on them (as loud as you can to).
You have started to drool...you pretty much soak your shirts now and you would think I would learn to put a bib on you but we just haven't gotten there yet.
You tried your hardest to roll over a few weeks ago...you still aren't there yet either but it's probably because you aren't ever on the floor much to practice. Maybe now that we brought out your pack and play today and surrounded you with all your toys you will get the rolling over thing down.
You have now realized you have a mouth and you like to try to put stuff in there...especially your blankets. Every time we cover you up your hands go right to it and you take the blanket to your mouth!
Now that we know you like checking yourself out in the mirror we put you in front of it when you are crying and this always makes you stop and brings a smile to your face. We wonder what you are thinking when you see yourself.
It's funny how you immediately stop crying when you check yourself out.
You talk all the time now but you are still so quite with it...sometimes I wonder if you are going to be shy...surely not!
You still love to be held but that's okay because me and your daddy still love holding you! We both know that it won't be too much longer before you don't want to be held anymore so we are enjoying it for now!
We think you have finally noticed Buster and Boone...you will kind of look at them and you have of course heard their barks. It used to never wake you up when they barked but you aren't such a deep sleeper anymore!
You play with your toys now...okay play might be a stretch but we can stick rattles in your hand and you do move them around. Sometimes we can really over stimulate you by shaking all your rattles and then you are over it!
I'm waiting for you to drop your night time feedings but that hasn't happened yet...you are a hungry boy every night at 3:30 on the dot!
You are so easy to get to smile now and your smile is nothing but pure sweetness! Your face (and ours) lights up when you smile.
I have saved the best for last...you said your first word today. Ha! We always practice your oh's and ah's with you and sometimes throw in an ooh and you repeat them back to us every time. Well today I decided to say uh oh to you and you said it right back to me...as clear as possible. You just kept saying uh oh over and over and over. I even called your daddy and he heard you too! Technically I know this isn't your first word but in my book it counts!

We love you big guy and are so glad God chose us to be your parents!