Thursday, April 19, 2012

18 Months Old

If I haven't said it before than I definitely mean it this time....this is by far Reese's most fun age yet!  He is hilarious and keeps us laughing constantly!  He cracks us up with all his funny little antics and he knows he is absolutely rotten too!  He has taken the word "stop" to a whole other meaning.  He says it constantly telling the dogs to stop, us to stop, the TV to stop, or just about anything to stop.  His vocabulary is amazing...saying things like pleez (please), Boone garage, yes ma'am, no sir and starting to put some words together.  Our doctor told us at 18 months to start taking away the paci which we usually don't give it to Reese until bedtime anyhow but now in the past week he has suddenly become obsessed with the word paci...and will say daddy paci pleez!  Or just paci paci paci constantly...and the way he says it is the sweetest ever so we always give in and give it to him.  Reese loves to run and jump up and down.  And loves being outside and will tell us outside outside until we take him out.  He loves to play in his tee pee but for some reason calls it a pee tee!  He LOVES Mickey Mouse but calls him Hot Dog because that is the song Mickey sings.  We went to the doctor last week for his check up and he still remains in the 25 percentile for both weight and height which is perfect according to the doctor!  We are loving this stage in Reese's life and watching him learn and grow and seeing things from his eyes!

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