Friday, March 18, 2011


Reese was about 4 or 5 weeks old the last time we went to the mountains and he slept the entire time and didn't even know he was ever there! This time was a lot different - he slept maybe 30 minutes. He didn't want to miss out on anything! We went with Navy and Jack and her sisters and their kids! We had the best day relaxing right next to the creek and enjoying some good food! Jack and Reese are both suddenly in to grabbing each others ears and getting mad when we don't let them do that. Reese likes it when Jack sticks his fingers in his mouth and takes his paci from him. These two passed out when we left and slept the whole way home!


  1. Great pics. little man. Looks like you and your friends had a great time in the mountains. I love the way your momma writes on your behalf. I have already made up a voice for you in my head. Cutting teeth is no fun, sorry about that. But boy will you love them for your first hamburger and rack of ribs. Love you tons, Faux

  2. Kelli, these pics are great. Jack and Reese look like the best of friends! So cute in their St. Patty's Day attire!
