Sunday, October 10, 2010

Home Sweet Home!!!

Angela had to hold me for my picture. Callie scared me a little. I'm keeping an eye on her.

Reese wore us out last night!

We are finally home and adjusting to life with Reese! We were welcomed home with decorations at the front of our house that Wes and Marcy did and John's mom got us a cake that looked just like a layer from our wedding cake for our anniversary and to welcome home Reese. Thanks to everyone for the flowers and all the other sweet things we have received these last few days.

The first couple of days home have been pretty much like we expected. Reese is the best and we are loving every second of having him at home. On a scale of 1-10 I will give him a 5 for his sleeping efforts during the night last night. He loves to sleep all through the day and then be up at night but that is pretty normal for a newborn so we will keep him! As you can see from the pictures of the dogs he wore them out too! They were concerned all through the night why he was crying and kept scratching on the door to come and check him out. Finally, we let Buster in because he was not giving up. They basically just stare at him and bark a little when Reese cries - Reese could care less about their barking!

John took some pictures of him in his nursery this morning and from the look of his face he wasn't too impressed with his crib - ha! He did sleep for a couple of hours in his bassinet last night which was nice. When he wasn't in his bassinet he was on a pillow between us and we kept the light on the entire night so we could watch him - we were a little on the nervous side! We were concerned last night because Reese hadn't pooped all day but he made up for it about 2 in the morning. John went to change him and Reese had had a serious blow out! It was all over his back, clothes, blanket, socks - so lets just say we aren't so concerned anymore.
We gave him a bath today and I guess he decided he would get back at me because Reese peed all over me - it was pretty hilarious! I guess he showed me for making him freeze to death - this baby does not like his clothes off!

Tomorrow we go to the Pediatrician to have him checked out again but we think all is good - hopefully he will put on a little weight because none of his newborn clothes even fit him - they are even too big!


  1. Hey little man, just got home and MISS you already. What a gift from god you are to our family. Cant get enough of you. See you soon, you can count on that. Love you tons, faux Aunt Angie

  2. I had the best Sunday afternoon with little man REESE!!! I got to enjoy holding him, changing him, and (this is the best part of all),BAPTIZING his mommy after his first bath!!!! Kelli jumped 50 miles back and we all just cracked up at her!! John and Kelli are going to be the best parents to this sweet little guy, and I thank GOD every minute for them and precious REESE!!

  3. I love the pictures Kelli! He is so cute and Jack and I can't wait to see him today. Can't believe you got peed on already! Too funny! See you guys this afternoon! Love ya, Navy
