Monday, October 4, 2010

Today WAS the Day!!!

Not only is today my actual due date but it is also the day my doctor originally set for my induction! So today is a strange day to think we could have/should have been meeting Reese today but God had another plan - as does Reese!
Wednesday is only two day's away though so I think we will make it! John and I were for sure he was coming Friday night - I started feeling contractions so I took a shower and just knew that we would be heading to the hospital Saturday morning but I woke up Saturday feeling nothing! Yesterday I again felt nothing and today nothing - he really does like it inside me!
Tomorrow is our 2 year anniversary so we will do a little celebrating and prepare ourselves for the next chapter in our lives which will begin the next morning!
I have to be at the hospital at 5:30 a.m. and the induction will begin - from everyone I have talked to they say it can take somewhere close to 12 hours so I'm not even going to try to guess when Reese will be here! Obviously my guesses haven't amounted to a whole lot lately! Ha!
The next time I make a blog entry it better be to introduce Reese to our family and friends! We are taking the laptop to the hospital and hopefully John will be able to figure out how to put some pictures on here - we will see!


  1. I wish you all the best. Everything will go great! I can't wait to meet little Reese.

  2. Happy Anniversary! What a special time for The Coker Family! Keep me posted and let's hope John figures out how to upload some pics! Lots of Love, Erin!

  3. Its FOR SURE!!! REESE's picture will become gram's screen saver picture!!!! So, go for it daddy and snap those shots ASAP!!!!! I am aching to meet my first grandchild and am praying that GOD will bless this whole family with a healthy, happy, beautiful son, grandson, nephew, great nephew, and new running buddy to Buster and Boone!!!! All my Love, Gram
