Thursday, March 8, 2012

17 Months Old!

Another month....another reason to realize that you are growing up so quickly.  Sometimes it is hard for me to believe that the true baby stage is a thing of the past.  You aren't swaddled anymore, you don't sleep all the time, you don't want to be held all the time - you want to run and play all on your own and learn new things everyday.  I guess I can see why people have so many miss that stage.  That sweet baby stage!  But there is nothing like this stage either...your mind is a sponge and you are ready to soak up anything that you can learn.  There are days where I am just completely amazed at what all you can do and what all you have learned in the past year.  The way you associate things and people is what gets me every time.  There are words you can't say yet like Amanda and Marcy but when I ask you where they are you say Josh and Esss!  The other night we were saying your prayers - you repeat everything I say and I said lets thank God for Marcy and you just kept saying Esss Esss Esss!  You know those two go together.  Every night when your daddy gets home you think Nick is going to be with him so you run to the door yelling daddy daddy...he he he he.  That is your word for Nick.  When we say we are going to church you will say Jack Jack because you know he is going to be there.
Your word bank grows will try any word we say and you even have your own word for a lot of things.  Like call it something totally different and it is so cute.
The other night when it stormed you heard the thunder and ran all through the house yelling choo choo!  I guess to your sweet innocent mind you thought a train was near us!
You now have this thing where when you want something you will drag us to whatever you are needing.  You just started that this week.

You are growing so quickly - I read something the other day that I wrote down in your book that I will give you one day.  It said we are all made uniquely for God.  That is so true - you are so unique and so perfect!

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