Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Cracker Barrel

We went to Cracker Barrel on Sunday....Reese wasn't too interested in his food but he LOVED the rocking chairs!!!

Easter Project!

I bought this Easter project for Reese last year after Easter for a few bucks!  It is stickers which he loves...he will sit there and play with it and move his stickers around! 


Reese was helping make muffins the other day...by helping I mean eating the muffin batter!  Love this picture of him!!


The other day I told Reese we had to clean...so as I was cleaning he ran into our bedroom and this is what I found!  He sees his Nonna cleaning our shower a lot when she comes over and she always takes him with her!  He knew this is what cleaning meant!!!!


These two had a contest the other day to see who could yell the loudest...typically Reese is pretty loud but Jack was giving him a run for his money on this day!!!

Flying My Kite!

Play Date!

We love a good play date especially when we can get together with Braylan and Leighton....and Sullivan too but she can't quite participate in much playing yet!  This group of babies is growing growing growing!!!  They all play so well together....I don't think we ever had one crying!  Wait yes we did....that would be Jack when the ferocious dog came after him...and by ferocious I mean the 15 pound dog!  Ha!  Little Jack isn't around doggies much and they still scare him...the rest of them loved it when he barked at them!!

Tuesday, March 20, 2012


I love any type of balls...footballs, basketballs, soccer balls...anything that I can throw!!!  Ball is definitely one of my favorite words to say!!!

Happy Birthday Uncle Ess!

I hope you had the best birthday Esss!!!  I love getting to play throw and catch with you!!  Thanks for letting me eat a really big piece of your cake too!!!

Happy St. Patty's Day!

I got to wear my green and spend the day at the park!!  Daddy helped me fly my kite but there just wasn't much wind!!


Running, playing, and taking a ride in our strollers!!!

Friday, March 16, 2012


The weather has been so nice so we have been able to enjoy lots of park time lately with Jack and his cousins!!  Hard to believe it is almost getting too hot already to go!

Duck Pond

Reese loved going to feed the ducks last weekend!  Every time we would get close to one to feed they would take off but Reese loved getting to throw them some treats!

Great Grandmom's Birthday!

Happy Birthday Great Grandmom...I sure did enjoy your cake!!!

Birthday Party

Momma's camera died at this party so she didn't get too many pictures!  This was at Harvest Town Park last weekend for my cute little friend Turner's 1st Birthday!!

Thursday, March 8, 2012

17 Months Old!

Another month....another reason to realize that you are growing up so quickly.  Sometimes it is hard for me to believe that the true baby stage is a thing of the past.  You aren't swaddled anymore, you don't sleep all the time, you don't want to be held all the time - you want to run and play all on your own and learn new things everyday.  I guess I can see why people have so many kids...you miss that stage.  That sweet baby stage!  But there is nothing like this stage either...your mind is a sponge and you are ready to soak up anything that you can learn.  There are days where I am just completely amazed at what all you can do and what all you have learned in the past year.  The way you associate things and people is what gets me every time.  There are words you can't say yet like Amanda and Marcy but when I ask you where they are you say Josh and Esss!  The other night we were saying your prayers - you repeat everything I say and I said lets thank God for Marcy and you just kept saying Esss Esss Esss!  You know those two go together.  Every night when your daddy gets home you think Nick is going to be with him so you run to the door yelling daddy daddy...he he he he.  That is your word for Nick.  When we say we are going to church you will say Jack Jack because you know he is going to be there.
Your word bank grows everyday....you will try any word we say and you even have your own word for a lot of things.  Like horse...you call it something totally different and it is so cute.
The other night when it stormed you heard the thunder and ran all through the house yelling choo choo!  I guess to your sweet innocent mind you thought a train was near us!
You now have this thing where when you want something you will drag us to whatever you are needing.  You just started that this week.

You are growing so quickly - I read something the other day that I wrote down in your book that I will give you one day.  It said we are all made uniquely for God.  That is so true - you are so unique and so perfect!

Down On The Farm!

Daddy took me to the farm with his friend Justin and Owen on Sunday!  I got to see all the animals, play with Owen and sit on a tractor!  I had so much fun out there - just running around and being all boy!  I even wore my cowboy boots for the fun day!  I loved every minute of being on the farm!!!