I feel like this could be a really long post because you have done so many new things in the past month! It felt like every other day you were doing something new! Here are some of the highlights:
-You learned to say dadadadada and say it pretty much all the time - sometimes you will get real loud and say it, sometimes you will whisper it, sometimes you will look at Buster or Boone and say it, and then there are a few times when you look at your daddy and say it!
-You have said mommamomma a couple of times - we will keep working on that one!
-You have become quite the head banger - you are obsessed with bopping your head back and forth and you love to hit your head on stuff. You take the remote, our phones, toys, or whatever is near you and hit your head. You also love to squirm your way on our bed and hit your head on the headboard over and over. Your daddy called me this morning and told me he woke up to you banging your head on the headboard!
-You are getting so close to crawling - you haven't yet mastered this but you are hilarious to watch. You get up on your knees and dig your head into the floor. You haven't figured out to use your arms yet.
-You pulled yourself up all on your own the other night and held yourself there - you were so excited and stood there and looked all around!
-You don't want to sit anymore - you want to roll over and try to crawl or stand up - getting you to sit down is becoming a task!
-You still blow bubbles constantly and drool a ton!
-You laugh out loud a lot now especially when we play peek a boo with you or when we tickle your belly by blowing on you.
-You have figured out how to get out of your bumbo and have fallen out once and hit your head - you didn't cry too long!
-You absolutely do not like to be left alone whatsoever and know when we leave the room - I sat you down the other night just so I could go to the bathroom and you absolutely lost it. You screamed bloody murder so much so that you held your breath and then turned blue! I yanked you up which scared you to death so you caught your breath! I believe I have heard quite a few stories about your daddy holding his breath when he was little because he didn't get his way! I hope and pray this isn't the start of that because it scared the life out of me and I cried for a good 30 minutes! It was not fun to see you turn blue!!
-Your favorite toys are the remote and my cell phone - I can generally give you my phone if you get fussy and you will be content! You also LOVE to play in my jewelry! It's funny how when you get fussy now we can hand you any toy and you will be over your crying!
-I have read and heard that at 7 months old the baby really knows their momma - it is so funny how the books are exactly right! Sometimes I have to hide if someone wants to hold you because if you see me or hear my voice you will want me. You go through your clingy times too when you just want me to hold you - that's okay with me!
-I don't think we have met a person yet that hasn't commented on your big blue eyes or a person that hasn't said you look exactly like your daddy!! I like it when somebody says you look a little like me but that doesn't happen very often!
-You love to be outside - we could spend hours out there and you will stay happy the entire time!
-We haven't given you a food yet that you don't like - you are a very very good eater and get a little inpatient between each bite of fruit or vegetable!
-You love to clap your hands and when you get excited you bop up and down and clap your little hands!
-Ever since Easter you have been sleeping ALL THROUGH THE NIGHT!!!! There have only been a couple of nights when you have woken up once and that is just to nurse a minute and then go back to sleep! You usually go to sleep anywhere between 8 and 9 and sleep until 7 the next morning!
I'm sure there are more things and I should probably write everything down each month to remember what all you have done. There aren't enough words that could explain how much we love you and that love grows more and more everyday! It is amazing to see things through your eyes and how the smallest little things make you so happy! I love to see how much you are learning even though sometimes it makes me cry to think how fast the time is going! As much as I want you to grow and learn and do I also want you to stay this little bitty baby who just needs his mommy and daddy!
That little man will always need his mommy and daddy aka: the main woman and the main man. Have fun in Hilton hHead, please post lots of pics. mommy. Love you tons, Faux
ReplyDeleteLOVED that little GREEN HAND!! Mommy and Daddy are the best!! Can't wait to hear all about REESE's first fabulous vacation!!!! PICS are always welcome!!!!