How has it already been 2 months? We can't believe how much you have changed in just this short amount of time! I loved you as a newborn but this stage is just so fun and exciting to see what new thing you do each day! You have accomplished so much already! Here are a few things you can do at just 2 months old! You are beginning to coo so much more and actually today is the first time I have really heard you go on and on! We have noticed that you love to coo when we aren't trying to get it out of you! The other night we put you in front of the tree in your bouncer and walked out of the room and we heard you cooing away - you were talking to the tree! Tonight was the first time Big Daddy heard you coo - I think you made his day! The sound of you "talking" to us is probably the best thing I have ever heard! You are also smiling so much more and we all know the trick - you love your chin to be played with and when we laugh and play with your cheeks we can normally get a smile or two! There are times when you even look like you are about to laugh - you think we are all so funny! You absolutely LOVE the ceiling fan and look for one where ever we go - if you start to cry we can show you the fan and you are happy again! You can hold your head up so good now and still love tummy time! You know mine and your daddy's voices and look for us when you hear us. I was upstairs the other night and kept saying your name while your daddy had you downstairs and you were turning your head all over the place looking for me! You are always on the go and go everywhere we go - it is going to be a while before you have a sleepover at your grandparents house - even though they are all begging us for you to stay! You sleep in your bassinet some of the time but I am guilty of putting you in the bed with us lots of the time! You are still such a good sleeper and eater - we hope you keep this up!
I could go on forever with things you have done and of course every one of them are priceless to us!
Tomorrow we go for your 2 month check up which will be much harder on me than you - I dread seeing you cry when you get your shots!
Happy 2 months!!!! Grammy cannot believe how fast these past 2 months have flown! Reese is the love of my life and I yearn for him when I am apart from him!! Your mommy and daddy are doing a fantastic job and I know YOU are the center of their lives now, as you are to ALL your family and friends that will love you forever! P.S. sleeping with mommy and daddy is the BEST!!!!!