Sunday, November 14, 2010

Chattanooga Fun!

Still snoozing from the car ride while we watched the game - he woke up soon after this! He was hungry!

An attempt to get a nice picture with the river in the background - not a happy baby! He was ready to be held!
I thought the penguins were so cute!
Reese and the shark!

Everyone commented on Reese's big blue eyes!
My little buddy!

Reese had been begging us to take him to the Aquarium in Chattanooga so we finally gave in! Ha! This was his first trip out of town and it seemed like he really enjoyed it! We walked around the Aquarium and he just kept his eyes wide open soaking it all in! For the most part he was content but John did have to carry him to keep him from crying - he gets over the stroller after a while. We also went and watched the game and he was perfect - although he was held the entire time! He is pretty easy to travel with because the car absolutely knocks him out. It takes him about 2 minutes to settle down and then you don't hear another peep out of him. We can't wait for all the trips we take Reese on - he is a fun little traveler!


  1. Great pics, looks like you all had a great time! Miss you guys!

  2. What a Happy Family!!!! You all will have many years and many memories to share with our little man!!!! Cherish each and every one!!

  3. Too cute. His first trip to the aquarium great pics. The car knocked you daddy out also Reese. Cant wait to kiss that face on Thanksgiving. Love you ton, FA, Angie
