Monday, January 20, 2014

Riding Around!

Finally a little bit of nice weather!

Heading to the UT Basketball Game!

Heading to watch UT vs. Auburn!  UT won!  Yay!

Seeing Grandmom!

Counting out our Money!

4 Months Old!

Happy 4 Months little buddy!  You are so cute and so much fun and used to be such a good little sleeper!  Ha!  However lately that hasn't been the case!  You wake up several times and always go back to sleep you just like to fuss a little!
You have been sitting in your bumbo and trying out your jeep - you are just getting too big too quick!  You are cooing and laughing and making so many sounds!  You recognize our voices and follow us around with your eyes!  I love it because right now you look at me like I am the best thing ever - I hope that never changes!  Ha!  We love you sweet buddy!

Sick Boy!

These pictures don't even look like Cole he was so sick!  About 2 weeks ago he had started coughing and then it turned into wheezing so I called the doctor.  The nurse listened to Cole breathing over the phone and told me to take him to Children's Hospital because she could tell over the phone that he had RSV.  So she was right - that is what he had.  He had to spend 2 nights in the hospital.  Thankfully now he is back to his cooing little self and all is good!

Sweet Brothers!

It is so fun watching these two together - especially now that Cole is noticing more and more!

Snow Day!

We love it when we get snow!  It was so cold a few weeks ago but we made sure to get a few pictures out in the snow!

Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Playing Golf!

Just another day on the course with Daddy!

Watching Reese!

Staying Warm!


We finally made it to Dollywood before it closed for the year!  The lights were so pretty and Reese had fun riding the rides!  It was just very very cold!

Monday, January 6, 2014


I had these pictures taken back in November for surprise Christmas gifts for our family!  I absolutely love all of these pictures!