Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Night Time!

Reese usually winds down at night by watching a little Super Why or Mickey and reading a book!  Tonight he held his baby doll the whole time!  It was pretty cute!


Every time we go to the store or Target I always get Reese a hotwheel car - it is his little treat and they are only $1!  This week Nonna realized she still had all of John's cars from when he was little so now Reese gets to add those to his collection!  He was so excited when she gave them to him!



Reese gets plenty of time outside because it is becoming almost impossible to ever get him inside!  He loves to pretend to mow the yard, run, take walks, play golf, play ball, jump, follow Buster around, ride his cars...anything you can do outside he wants to do it!  He also takes his fishing rod and pretends to catch fish!

Splash Pad!

Having fun with Turner, Annelise and Jack!!

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Tired Boy!

One tired boy with his Goofy doll and two skinned up knees!!


Reese gets very serious when he sings....he loves singing lots of songs but right now his favorites are row row  row your boat and you are my sunshine!  Here he is singing you are my sunshine...he loves to also take showers and sing!

Too Cute!

I love this picture my friend Lauren sent me from when we were at the lake one day!  I didn't know she took it but I love how is standing there waving to me in the water!  I love his tan line too!


We hear this from Reese just about every night....I wanna go walking!  He loves to walk around the neighborhood!


Another beautiful night on the lake!

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Too Cute!

Reese will never wear the hats I want him to wear but if he sees one sitting around he always wants to put it on!


More Party Pictures!

These are a couple of pictures from Case's party that the photographer took...I love them!


Finally on Friday the rain went away and Reese was able to play outside!  He is really into pushing his toys now instead of riding them!  He always says...Mow Grass!  Then he heads to the yard to do his mowing!


We had a little get together last week for Baby Nola...Reese was having the best time (being so good and just so happy playing with his buddies).  This is when he always ends up getting hurt...when he is just having a good time.  He was walking...not running and just somehow fell!  I went to pick him up and his mouth was pouring blood!  It was awful and I was sure his teeth were knocked out.  He just fell right on his mouth - it wouldn't have been bad if he had put his hands out.  After finally getting him calmed down and myself too I was able to see that he just had a busted lip!  Here is a picture of him the next day...the picture made it look much worse!


I just want to remember this because it was too cute!  The other day when Reese was taking his bath I heard him tell me his baby was in time-out...I asked him what she did and he told me she said Hush!  He knows this is a word he isn't supposed to say; however, when he doesn't get his way or is mad he typically tells us to hush and he goes to time-out!  This tells me he knows he is not supposed to say that word!

Wednesday, August 8, 2012

22 Months Old!

A couple of random pictures but I haven't taken many pictures this week which is completely unlike me!  Here we are again...another month older!  A month in a baby must be something like years in adults!  It just seems like there is so much you do and learn in a month!  You have now said your entire alphabet...sometimes out of order and most the time you run all the letters together but it is very impressive!  You sing songs constantly and things you hear on Row Row Row Your Boat, You Are My Sunshine, Jesus Loves Me, Mr. Moon Mr. Moon, and Disney Junior!  You now tell us what you want to watch on TV (thank goodness for On Demand) which is usually either Hot Dog (Mickey Mouse) or Super Why!  You also tell us you love us which is the best and most sweetest thing ever!  I think you would live outside if we would let you!  Your daddy has already mentioned a backyard camping night with you...maybe soon!  You love asking us what something is or whose something have a very curious mind!  You have found yourself in timeout on several occasions now!  This generally happens when you don't get your way and you say words you shouldn't or try to hit us or someone else!  You have figured out that you have to say your sorry when you get out of time out so now you just think you can go to time out say your sorry really quick and be done!  It is sweet and cute but that only worked a couple of times...ha!  I love how you always say please and thank you now...manners will get you a long way!
You are a busy busy little boy and have blessed our lives in so many ways!

Case's Birthday Party!


Case's Momma throws a really fun birthday party!  There was a blow up water slide their that my uncle Josh took me down!  I didn't know what to think about that!  I love a water party!  I sung Happy Birthday to Case all night long even way after the party!

Friday, August 3, 2012


Reese found the lid to the icecream and just helped himself!

So Sweet!

Reese will sing his ABC's all day long...he loves to sing them!  This morning he was walking around and singing them to his baby doll (it's his bath doll...he doesn't have any other dolls...ha)! 


My feet can just about reach the pedals on my won't be too much longer!


Making a masterpiece!  Isn't it pretty?

Birthday Party!

Reese and his buddy Cooper sure were enjoying the cupcakes at their friend Garland Kay's birthday party this week!


Nothing to say about this picture...I just like it!  :)


Thursday, August 2, 2012


I like to pretend I'm fishing in the driveway!  Whenever daddy gets out his rods I run and get my rod out too...sometimes I forget it is called a rod though and call it my water gun!