Wednesday, July 27, 2011

On The Go Go Go Go!!!!

Reese keeps us on our feet these days....he will get into anything that he can get his hands on! He has made our end table his very own clubhouse - he climbs in it every chance he gets! He also loves to stand and play in the fridge and see what he can get into! Rotten Boy!

Monday, July 25, 2011

Party Time!

Begging Pop for some icecream!

Catching up on the news!

Now trying to get some icecream out of Daddy!

Another party for Daddy...this time with Nonna and Pop! We had a fish fry with everyone and then went swimming at Nana and Pap's house! It was a busy weekend with parties but it was fun celebrating and getting to see all my family and friends!

Jack's 1st Birthday!

We went to Jack's birthday party bash this weekend - it was pirate themed! Arrgh!! We had a lot of fun playing in the water, playing with balls, and playing with all my friends! My momma didn't get many pictures of Jack at the party because she misplaced her camera as soon as we got there - take it from me though - Jack was having a blast at the party opening all his gifts and getting to try cake for the first time!!

Happy Birthday Daddy!

Saturday was daddy's 30th birthday! I wanted to get him something really special and since he is always talking about wanting me to play golf; (he wants me to fish too but I already have a fishing rod) I got me a play set of golf clubs so we can hit the course pretty soon!! I hope you had the best birthday ever Daddy!!

Caught You!

Somebody got caught with their hand in the cookie jar and looks awfully guilty!!

Just Another Day At The Office!

We stopped by to see Aunt Marcy and meet all her friends at work last week - me and momma couldn't believe where she worked! We have never seen such a nice place before - I would never want to leave there! I was a little shy at first and didn't want anyone to hold me or play with me but after about 10 minutes I warmed up...Aunt Marcy gave me a rock from outside so once I had it in my hands I was ready to play with everyone!

A Birthday Party!

Last week we celebrated Daddy's birthday at MeMe and Big Daddy's house! I love getting to see my aunts and uncles and playing with everyone! Big Daddy gave me lots of icecream that night - of course after I ate all my veggies!

Play Time At Home!

Thanks Dolly Parton for the books you send me every month! I love them!

Reese loves playing with his baskeball goal - he shoots everything in there - bottles, sippy's, paci's!

Trying egg yolk for the first time! Yummy!

Reese loves playing with all his toys now and will even carry on long conversations with all of them - he is hilarious to listen to. He isn't babbling as much anymore just actually trying to talk. Of course no real words come out but he will jibber jabber to each toy, paci, bottle, book, or whatever is near him. He is a climber too and will climb on anything around him - he loves crawling in our end tables and seeing what he can get into!